Holy Cross Catholic Church
Portland, OR
Chris DiLoreto
Stephanie Fitzhugh
Holy Cross Master Plan Story
Holy Cross Catholic Church and School was one of many parishes established by the Archdiocese of Portland to serve north Portland and the St John’s growing Catholic communities early in the 1900’s. In recent decades many of those parishes lost members so that the Archdiocese consolidated them at Holy Cross. This naturally swelled the ranks of parishioners at Holy Cross requiring additional office and community space to accommodate the growth. This, coupled with a changing neighborhood demographic and greater attendance at the school, created the need for a campus update and master plan.
While much of the master plan revolves around addressing the current limited space, the campus itself lacks a sense of connection. There is no central gathering spot or connecting pathway to the individual structures; and, as such, no campus "front door” for the neighborhood.
The long-term master plan suggests placing a new community facility with parish hall, kitchen and meeting rooms between the existing church and school. A plaza, which doubles as an auto drop off, creates a community gathering space between the three main buildings. By organizing around this principle, we are able to create a unified feel and main campus entry. Parking and school drop off would remain in its present location but the street that runs through the site separating the uses would be removed and replaced by the new community center.
This master plan can be put in place over time giving the Holy Cross Parish a map for future growth.